WINDOW DRESSING(윈도드레싱) 사전적 의미 It means the skill of decorating shop windows and arranging goods in them so that they look attractive to people going past. 증권가에서 기관투자가들이 연말 결산기를 앞두고 보유 종목의 주가 관리에 나서는 것을 가리킨다. 연말 기준 투자수익률을 최대한 올려놓기 위해 포트폴리오를 조정하는 것이다. 펀드매니저들이 펀드 자금 유치를 위해 수익률이 좋은, 주가가 많이 오른 종목들만 남겨두곤 한다. The Effect 주가가 부진한 종목은 주가가 더 떨어지고, 테마주 등의 상승세를 타는 종목은 더욱 주가가 오르는 빈익빈 부익부 현상이 생긴다. 이에 따라 연말에 주가..
AICPA 출제의 핵 공부 예방이냐 사후 조치냐? 둘을 구분하는 것이 AUDIT and ATTESTATION 단골 출제 핵심 중 하나입니다. Prevention(예방) ↔ Detection(사후 조치, 적발) Auditor(감사인)는 무조건 EFFECT(효과) on the audit 에 관심 있다. auditor는 무엇에 관심이 있는가? 도 AUD 과목의 핵심 출제 사항입니다. Auditor의 관심은 무조건 Effect ,Effectiveness(효과성)에 있습니다. 예를 들어, Client's(회사의) litigation(소송), Claims and assessment matter에 있어서도 -Auditor는 그것이 resolved 될것인지 여부에는 관심이 없습니다. 그건 Company의 Outside..
Purchasing department Approve purchase orders Negotiating terms with vendors Receiving department Inspection of goods upon receipt Voucher department Matching the vendor's invoice with -the relating report -purchaase requisition -purchase order Indicating the affected accounts on the vouchers The vouchers payable clerk (1) matches purchase orders, vendors’ invoices, and receiving reports; (2) te..
CFO가 하는 일 Signing Cash disbursement Asset Custody function Canceling the supporting documentation -여기서 Documntation은 consists of the followings. a payment voucher, requisition, purchase order, reeiving report, vendor invoice Control Mailing of the sighned checks and remittane advices Accounting Department Bank reconciliation Recording function
Manual controls may be more suitable where judgment and discretion are required, such as (1) for large, unusual, or nonrecurring transactions; (2) for circumstances where misstatements are difficult to define, anticipate, or predict; (3) in changing circumstances that require a control response outside the scope of an existing automated control; and (4) in monitoring the effectiveness of automat..
The presumption in favor of confirmation may be overcome in certain limited circumstances. [예시] The presumption is that an auditor will request confirmation of accounts receivable. The presumption may be overcome if confirmations would be ineffective. Ineffective comfimations라 함은? Based on experience with similar engagements, responses are expected to be unreliable. Based on prior years’ audit e..
The form confirms the followings. account number/description, balance, due date, interest rate, date through which interest is paid, and a description of collateral. The principal amount paid on a direct liability is not listed on the Standard Form to Confirm Account Balance Information with Financial Institutions.
What an auditor has to do? ■For Unsupported entries in the ledger, ○Tracking Directions: A sample of entries in the ledger → Source Document ■For Unrecorded entries in the ledger, Select and trace Original source documents.
After excluding those not considered actibely in the potential labor forc. 자발적으로 취준생인 사람은 제외하고 실업률을 측정한다.
■ Audit Committee is directly responsible for the followings. ○ Selecting and Compensating independent auditor. -The board approval is not required. ○ Overseeing the work of the independent auditor. - Therefore cannot delegate that responsibility to management. ○ Treatment of complaints received by the issuer regrding accounting, internal controls and auditing matters. ■ Independent Auditor must..
The components, principles and controls that are ■ "Present": exists in ■ "Functioning": continue to operate
[Macroeconomics] GDP, NDP, NI, PI, DI의 관계 거시경제 핵심 공식 Gross domestic product(GDP) △Depreciation of Capital = Net domestic product(NDP) △Indiect business taxes(Sales taxes, Excise taxes, ...) △Income generated in the U.S. from foreign-owned resoures + income generated in other countries from U.S.-owned resources = National income(NI) + transfer payments △ social security contributions △ corporate ..