[BEC] GDP, NDP, NI, PI, DI의 관계

[BEC] GDP, NDP, NI, PI, DI의 관계

[Macroeconomics] GDP, NDP, NI, PI, DI의 관계

거시경제 핵심 공식


Gross domestic product(GDP)

△Depreciation of Capital

= Net domestic product(NDP)

△Indiect business taxes(Sales taxes, Excise taxes, ...)

△Income generated in the U.S. from foreign-owned resoures

+ income generated in other countries from U.S.-owned resources

= National income(NI)

+ transfer payments

△ social security contributions

△ corporate income taxes

△ undistributed corporate profits

= Personal inccome(PI)

△ tax income of individuals

= Disposable Income(DI)





 ※ 참고로, Net foreign income이란?


△Income generated in the U.S. from foreign-owned resoures

+ income generated in other countries from U.S.-owned resources

=△ net foreign factor income


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