What Impair Independence?

What Impair Independence?

Litigation Affects Independence when?


The Client = 원고(the Plaintiff or a Nominal Plaintiff) 일 때.


 The Third Party(e.g., an insurance company)도 a Client of the member이고, Material Settlement is Significant 할 때.


 Cross-Claims 에서는 CPA랑 Client가 Against each other여야함.



회계법인에서 일하던 누군가가 Attest Client 회사의 Key Position으로 이직한 경우

 회계법인의 Team member가 Professional Skeptism만 있다면 이직자와 Interaction 정도는 괜찮다.


 But, 이직자가 회계법인에 컨설팅(Consulting)을 해준다던가,


이직자가 회계법인의 사무실을 쓴다던가 하는것은 안됨.


이직한사람이 회계법인에서 Payout Period중에 고정된 Fixed Payment를 받는건 괜찮다.




General CounselConsulting

Genenral Counsel violates independence.


Independence is not required in Consulting.


At least more likely than not to be upheld.

이러면, PCAOB기준으로, Aggressive Tax Service도 괜찮음.

Key Position = equivalant to management

CPA's sibling,

the CPA’s spouse




Key Position

e.g. the director of internal auditing for client or officer



(↔not Non-Key position: membership, bookkeeper)




25달러 스포츠 경기관람권정도의 gift는 괜찮다.

-Clearly insignificant value from a client.




상장회사 회계감사하는 회계법인은, 

감사서비스 고객에게 다음과 같은 소개비를 받을 수 없다.


A member in public practice cannot accept a commission for recommending any product or service to a client when the firm performs

(1) an audit or review of financial statements,

(2) a compilation of a financial statement that is reasonably expected to be used by a third party if the report does not disclose the CPA’s lack of independence, or

(3) an examination of prospective financial information for that client.


Membership  Membership

Indirect Financial Interest Direct Financial Interest 

 If membership in a club is essentially a social matter, a member’s independence is not impaired if the club requires members to acquire a share of debt or equity securities. Such ownership is not considered a direct financial interest. 


■Direct Financial Interest 은 material 하지 않아도 독립성 위배임.


ownership of equity,

debt securities (such as bonds issued by an attest client),

or other investments in a client.


Trustee  Guardian

Serving as the trustee for the estate, not as guardian of the children, impairs independence.


The mere designation to serve as a trustee does not impair independence.





Designed by JB FACTORY
