Substantial Doubt 가 있을때, 어떤 Opinion이 적절할까?

Substantial Doubt 가 있을때, 어떤 Opinion이 적절할까?

■The types of opinion

Exceptions Types of Audit Opinion
Immaterial Material Material and Pervasive
Scope Limitation Unmodified Qualified Disclaimer

Departure from GAAP

Unmodified Qualified Adverse


■ A Substantial Doubt

-Unmodified Opinion is O.K.


By itself, this doubt does not require a modification of the opinion.


즉, By itself, a substantial doubt about an entity’s ability to continue as a going concern does not require a modification of the opinion paragraph. 


■ E-o-m에 꼭 담아야 하는 것


If an auditor determines that there is substantial doubt about an entity’s ability to continue operations for a reasonable period, the auditor should include an emphasis-of-matter paragraph in the audit report describing the going-concern issue. 


This paragraph should include the terms “substantial doubt” and “going concern”.



○ The auditor does not have discretion regarding inclusion of the paragraph.



↔■ E-o-m 에 담는 것이 선택(may consider)인 경우


Examples of circumstances when the auditor may consider an emphasis-of-matter paragraph to be necessary include

(1) an uncertainty relating to the outcome of unusually important litigation or regulatory action,

(2) a major catastrophe that has had (or continues to have) a significant effect on the entity’s financial position,

(3) significant transactions with related parties, and

(4) unusually important subsequent events.





문단 순서: Basis → Opinion → e-o-m → o-m

Basis ■ 위치: A basis for modification paragraph should precede the opinion paragraph. ※ No Basis ■ If the auditor has contained Unmodified opinion in the report, ○ No basis is given for includ..



※ 주의?! However, if the entity’s disclosures about the issue are inadequate, the misstatement may result in a qualified or an adverse opinion.


- Disclaimer of Opinion is O.K.


However, an auditor may disclaim an opinion in these circumstances. 



- Qualified Opinion is Not allowed.


Thus, a qualified opinion is inappropriate.


However, if the entity’s disclosures about the issue are inadequate, the misstatement may result in a qualified or an adverse opinion.



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